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Nirmalaya Handmade Perfumes

Unique Natural Attar and Perfume Oils
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Natural Flower Herbs Perfumes

“No elegance is possible without perfume. It is the unseen, unforgettable, ultimate accessory.” said Coco Chanel, and we cannot agree more. Perfume is like an extension of you and your persona. A gorgeous fragrance that ...

Natural Flower Herbs Perfumes

“No elegance is possible without perfume. It is the unseen, unforgettable, ultimate accessory.” said Coco Chanel, and we cannot agree more. Perfume is like an extension of you and your persona. A gorgeous fragrance that lingers in the air even after you leave the room is a sign of elegance personified. Many love using just one kind of fragrance that they love and completely make it their own. And everywhere they go, the fragrance follows and lingers much after they leave. Fragrances are also great anchors that remind one of something… It could be a memory, a person or an event. Fragrances have that effect on the senses. 

What Are Natural Perfumes?

Natural perfumes are fragrances that have been derived from natural sources. At iTokri, we have special natural perfumes made using beeswax that has been accentuated with natural ingredients such as flower extracts, essential oils and herbs. 

Our perfumes are sourced directly from artisans from the Himalayan villages. This Himalayan natural traditional beeswax perfume is made from​​ beeswax, flower herbs & natural floral essential oils. This perfume can be used on skin or on clothes or as a stress reliever. These are handmade perfumes that leave you feeling rejuvenated and refreshed and are known to be one of the best organic perfumes in India. 

Benefits of Beeswax for Skin 

Beeswax is no longer restricted to making just candles, or soaps, beeswax has tremendous health benefits for the skin. To begin with, it is 100% natural and easy on the skin, it helps protect skin from toxins and also helps remove dark spots and skin inflammation. 

  • It helps protect skin from environmental damage
  • Its antibacterial properties help keep your skin safe from harmful bacteria
  • Perfumes made using beeswax are long lasting and you get more coverage
  • It further helps in locking in skin hydration
  • It also helps in treating skin rashes etc. 

Hence using Natural beeswax handmade perfume is a perfect skin care solution. The scent these naturally made perfumes give can be described as closest-to-nature as they are made using natural ingredients making them have a therapeutic effect on your senses and skin. 

Perfumes such as, Yoga, Honeysuckle, Palcholi, and Golden wood will certainly help you therapeutically. 

How to choose the right perfume for you

The perfume that you choose to wear is an extension of yourself. Like it is your own brand of style, something that makes people reminisce about you. So if you want a fragrance that makes people turn and look around, here's what you need to do to choose the right natural scent for yourself. 

  1. Think about fragrances that speak to you personally? 
  2. How do they make you feel? 
  3. Do you feel more attracted to earthy fragrances or flowers are more your style? 
  4. Your lifestyle: Do you have an active lifestyle or a sedentary one? 
  5. Do you enjoy travelling for pleasure or more for business?

All the above questions should help you pick fragrances that compliment your personality perfectly. 

Best Natural Perfume for men online

Keeping all the above information in mind, we have picked our top 3 natural perfume fragrances that will work best for men.

1: Musk Egyptian

2: Moon Silver

3: Golden wood

Best Natural Perfume for Women

Our best fragrances to choose from for women are 

  1. Indian Beauty
  2. Yoga
  3. Orchid

Gifting Options

If you have ever found yourself looking for a thoughtful gifting option then these naturally made perfumes from the Himalayas are one of the best gifting options for both men and women. You can buy these handcrafted perfumes that come in a traditional dibbi of 2gms

As we said before, our handmade, beeswax perfumes have therapeutic properties so choose them with utmost ease. They are sure to make the gift receiver rather happy. Click here to buy our handmade flower & herb perfumes. 


Which natural perfume is best?

All natural perfumes are equally good as they are made using natural ingredients. These are handmade perfumes that come straight from the himalaya villages, hand crafted with the knowledge of flora and fauna around the villages. 

Do natural perfumes last?

Our natural perfumes are long lasting as they are made using beeswax which stays on the skin for a longer duration. 

What fragrances are non toxic?

All our iTokri fragrances are non-toxic as they have been made using beeswax, natural flowers & herbs mixed with essential oils. 

How to care for natural perfumes?

Store in a cool dry place, away from direct sunlight.

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