Play Safe, Play Organic: The Benefits of Organic Holi Colors

Play Safe, Play Organic: The Benefits of Organic Holi Colors

The Holi season is here along with the arrival of spring, and getting together to play and laugh! Holi, the festival of colors, signifies the victory of good over evil but the colors of the festival become the evil itself when you can’t get rid of them or start itching because of them the next day. Yes, the joy of Holi can sometimes be overshadowed by the aftermath of using synthetic colors which includes skin rashes, hair damage, and environmental harm. But, what if you could actually have full-on fun in the festivities without these concerns? All you need to do is be a bit careful with the colors you will be using. This is where  organic Holi colors  come into play which offers a safer and more sustainable way to keep the spirit of Holi alive. Let us look at what these  natural Holi colors  offer.

Celebrate Holi with Organic and Herbal Gulal

Gone are the days when Holi was celebrated with colors derived from nature like those from turmeric, flowers, and berries. At present, who has the time to go through the fuss of making them now and what is easily available are the synthetic colors? While it feels like it’s a lot more convenient, these artificial colors are not only harmful to our health but also to the environment. So when you are switching back to  organic Holi colors,  you are not just taking part in the celebration in a more traditional way but it is also a step forward in embracing a healthier lifestyle. It is also a good environment-conscious choice as well. 

Herbal Holi colors  are made from plants, flowers, and roots and it ensures that your  Holi celebration  will stay as colorful as ever but with a bit of safety. This bit of safety will go a long way when you can wake up the next day and not feel anything weird with your skin. Switching to organic and herbal  Holi gulal  means admiring the true essence of this joyous festival. As they are made from natural sources such as flowers, herbs, and kitchen ingredients, these  organic colors  promise a celebration filled with laughter and love but without the harmful effects of chemicals.


5 Benefits to Invest in Organic Holi Colors

So what makes organic Holi colors better than the synthetic ones out there? Well, let's take a look at the top 5 reasons why you should use  natural Holi colors  from now onwards.

Skin Friendly

Organic  colors for Holi  are gentle on the skin and this reduces the risk of rashes, dryness, and allergic reactions that are often caused by synthetic colors. They are made from ingredients that are known for their beneficial properties and this means that your skin will remain soft and normal even after all the colors and the celebration.

Hair Protecting Against Damage

Yes we know, it's usually such a huge nightmare trying to get the colors off. Unlike all those chemical-laden synthetic colors,  organic Holi colors  are much easier to wash off and don't strip the hair of its natural oils. This means you can enjoy the festivities without worrying about damaging your tresses.  Herbal holi colors  not only prevent dryness and itchiness but also nourish your hair, thanks to their natural components.

Eye Protection

The eyes are extremely vulnerable during Holi, and accidental exposure to synthetic colors can cause irritation or serious harm. Imagine getting some of those in your eyes. Then it's not just Holi that will be ruined but also the days after till you figure out a solution. So in this scene,  Organic Holi colors,  being made from natural sources, are far less likely to cause any discomfort or damage to your eyes, making your  Holi celebration  both fun and safe.

Animal Friendly

Many synthetic colors are tested on animals or contain animal-derived ingredients.  Eco-friendly Holi colors,  on the other hand, are cruelty-free and do not harm any living creature. And it's not just about testing but also on the day of Holi animals will definitely get colors thrown on them. While you cannot stop it from happening, by choosing organic  colors for Holi,  you can take a stand against animal cruelty.

Environment Friendly

The aftermath of Holi often leaves streets and rivers dyed in vivid hues and this poses a threat to aquatic life and the ecosystem.  Organic Holi colors  are biodegradable and do not contribute to pollution, making your celebration as green as it is colorful. After the  Holi celebration,  these colors wash away without leaving any toxic residue, ensuring that we play our part in preserving the environment.

Tips To Get Ready For Holi Celebrations

Preparing for Holi is as much about protecting yourself as it is about planning your party.

So remember to wear old clothes you don't mind getting stained and it is better if they are light colors to make the Holi colors stand out. Before going out to play Holi, apply oil to your skin and hair as it acts as a protective barrier. This will also make it easier to wash off the colors later. Then back to the main point- choose  organic colors  for Holi. Make sure to purchase your colors from a reliable source that guarantees they are 100% organic. Don’t forget to drink plenty of water to keep your skin hydrated from within. After all, you’ll be having a lot of fun and will be out a lot. Also, make sure to protect your eyes from direct exposure to colors by wearing a pair of sunglasses. After the celebration, use a mild cleanser to remove the colors gently without scrubbing your skin harshly.

So wait no more and start using  organic Holi colors  and do your part in creating a healthier and more sustainable celebration. It doesn’t matter if you have been using synthetic ones till now, but this year, take this decision that will not only protect you but will become another step for the environment and animal welfare. So this Holi, tell your loved ones also the joy of playing with  eco-friendly Holi colors  and spread the message of a safe celebration. And Holi is not complete without gifts, so if you are looking for more  Holi gifts,  iTokri has it all for you. From handmade crafts to beautiful jewelry, iTokri can be your one-stop destination for all kinds of  Holi gifts.  And just like natural Holi colors, the products at iTokri are sustainably made as well.

And remember that playing safe does not mean it won’t be fun. With  organic Holi colors,  you will still enjoy the happiness of Holi and its colors while also taking care of your well-being. So, make the switch today and experience a truly joyful  Holi celebration




What are the organic colors used in Holi?

Organic colors used in Holi mostly include turmeric (yellow), beetroot (red), spinach (green), and other flower extracts and these are safe and eco-friendly alternatives to synthetic colors.

What are the Holi colors safe for kids?

Holi colors safe for kids include organic colors made from natural ingredients like turmeric, beetroot, spinach, and flower extracts and these ensure a non-toxic and gentle experience for children.

Are organic Holi colors safe?

Yes, organic Holi colors are generally safe as they are made from natural ingredients such as turmeric, beetroot, spinach, and flower extracts and they have minimal risk of skin irritation or harm. 

What is the difference between organic colors and chemical-based colors?

Organic colors are made from natural, biodegradable ingredients that are safe for the skin and the environment, while chemical-based colors are made from potentially harmful substances that can cause allergic reactions and are bad for the environment.

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